Critical Thinking: What role do you think the government should have in world affairs? When is it our duty to intervene in injustices around the world? Do you think FDR should have entered the war sooner?
Friday, February 26, 2021
WWII Part 1: Pearl Harbor - A Homeschool Study
Critical Thinking: What role do you think the government should have in world affairs? When is it our duty to intervene in injustices around the world? Do you think FDR should have entered the war sooner?
Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Top 5 Books to Refresh your Homeschool
I have always wanted to homeschool my children. I grew up going to public school, but one of my best friends was homeschooled, as were my cousins. I loved how they spent so much time with their family. They were also able to explore their own interests. I was one of those "smart" kids that never had to pay attention in class or study to get straight As, but I was bored out of my mind in school. I wanted to give my children a childhood of wonder, excitement, and learning without boundaries. I realize that not everyone has that same excitement about getting started. For some, the thought of homeschooling is completely overwhelming. I can't even tell you how many times I have heard, "I could never homeschool my kids!" And then 2020 hit and most of my friends that said they could never do it, found themselves doing it whether they wanted to or not. But even though I have always wanted to homeschool, I have still gone through seasons when homeschooling has been weary, difficult, and seemingly impossible. I have doubted, questioned, and threated to send my kids to school. So whether you are just trying to get started (and struggling with diving in), or are a seasoned homeschool mom looking for some encouragement, here are some of my favorite books:
This book covers just about everything about homeschooling and would be a great resource for someone just starting out. At 336 pages, it is not a quick read. In fact, I gave up on trying to read it and listened to it on Audible. The book is split into four main sections: The Mission, The Myth, The Manner, and The Method. She covers all the various forms of home education, so if you have heard terms thrown about like Classical, Charlotte Mason, Waldorf, etc., and you have no idea what those are or what kind you are, then this is the book for you. However, I listened to this book after seven years of homeschooling and still found very practical advice and a lot of encouragement.
This book is a quick read, and highly recommended for the weary mom or for someone going through a season when they are questioning whether they are able to homeschool. I first read this book years ago when I was battling Lyme and had a bunch of little ones, and have read it many times since. We had not been homeschooling for long and already my mind was filling with fear and anxiety. I was trying to force "school" but was too tired to put any kind of energy or enthusiasm into it. In attempting to do too much, we were accomplishing nothing at all. When you feel like you are suffocating and drowning in all of life, take a deep breath and read this book.
Written by the same author as Teaching From Rest, Sarah Mackenzie, this book gives practical how-to advice and will make you fall in love with books. This book and her podcast (Read-Aloud Revival) is why I add so many books to every unit we do in our homeschool. Even in seasons when we are not accomplishing very much book work, we can read together, which leads to lasting connections, meaning conversations, and ultimately learning.
This book is not as "pep-talky" as some of the other books, as she does take a bold approach in calling her readers to homeschool bravely, but it is thought-provoking, convicting, and helped get this weary momma back on track. It is all about examining why you homeschool and remembering your calling. She calls us to lean on God and stop comparing ourselves to others on Social Media.
Our homeschool used to be full of lots of travel, field trips, play dates, and adventures, but when the shutdowns happened in 2020, we started to fall into a dull, monotonous routine. Sure, we accomplished a ton of book work, but I began to see the spark and love of learning leave our children. (It also probably did not help that we had a newborn and I was exhuasted). This book reignited the spark and gave us practical ways to find everyday magic in our homeschool (even without leaving the home). It encourages you to say "yes" more, to pick up new hobbies, try new things, and break from the "mold". This book is great for anyone who has found their homeschool to be someone dull. I also believe this would be a great book for parents whose kids are home doing virtual school (or who have decided to pull their kids from school this year and are homeschool for the first time), to add some adventure, curiosity, and excitement to learning. This book is a little bit longer than the some of the others (320 pages), so if you are a busy momma like me you may prefer to listen on Audible.
Check out the Homeschool Tab at the top of my page for more ideas and inspiration, and follow me on Instagram @pocketful_of_treasures.
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Sunday, February 21, 2021
Homeschool History Spotlight: The Great Depression Unit Study
Saturday, February 20, 2021
Our Homeschool Library: 10 Books on the Civil War
We use America's Story by Masterbooks as the backbone of our homeschool curriculum, but we LOVE adding other historical fiction, nonfiction, and picture books to our units. Here were some of our favorites during our study of the Civil War.
A sweet book about using your talents to help others. A young slave girl using her quilting talent and conversations she overhears about the Underground Railroad to create a quilt to freedom with a map that her master will never recognize.
Wednesday, February 17, 2021
Snow School
It has practically been a snowpocalypse here in Arkansas, but school must go on (just not how you may think of school)! There are many ways to learn and so many things to learn about, so why not adjust our homeschool days to the current events? If you find yourself snowed in, here are some videos and activities to jumpstart your day of learning!
We started by learning about snowflakes:
Did you know that the largest snowflake was 15 inches (YES, INCHES)? Make a paper snowflake that measures 15 inches if you have paper that big. We could only make 11 inch snowflakes.
Can you imagine that falling from the sky? Learn more fun facts on Snowflakes.
We also discussed the density of snow. A warning was issued that snow could collapse the roofs of industrial buildings. Most residential roofs can hold up to 20lbs of weight per square foot, while flat commercial roofs may collapse at a lower weight. We used the following parameters on this snow weight calculator to calculate how much weight per square foot could be on roofs in our area.
1/2 inch ice (~2 pounds)
1" slush (~4 pounds)
4" settled snow (~6 pounds)
6" fresh snow (~2 pounds)
Total weight on roofs: approximately 14 pounds per square foot
That means that a 2,000 square foot commercial building could have 14 TONS of added weight on its roof. We could certainly see how that could stress a structure!
Speaking of buildings, we also did some research on igloos. There are so many great videos on YouTube, but here are a few we watched:
How to build a real Inuit igloo:
Not enough snow to build an igloo? You can draw one!
Most of our tablework was done while sipping hot chocolate and eating a snow treat!
NingXia Red Snow Cones (Mix NingXia Red and fresh snow)
Snow Ice Cream (Mix large bowl of snow with 1 can sweetened condensed milk and 1 tsp. vanilla)
Maple Snow Candy (Heat maple syrup until it is in a soft ball stage and pour over packed snow)
I debated reading The Long Winter or The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe since it has been a few years since we have, but we were already in the middle of Esperanza Rising for our Great Depression unit study. We did pull out a bunch of winter books for the little ones.
Over and Under the Snow
And of course there was plenty of time spent outside getting plenty of physical education in nature's sensory bin!
Safety first! Before they bundled up and headed into the wilderness, we taught them some life skills. This is a great series on frostbite. Lots of big vocabulary words in this series, but our little ones got the basics (and our big kids learned some new words). We caught our five year old out there windmilling his arms to warm up.
While outside the kids noticed the birds and were concerned for them. This led to a discussion on how birds can survive winter.